The Holy Scriptures

The Holy Scriptures

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Restoration Scriptures Three-in-One!
Cumorah Books, Inc., and the Scripture Committee announce the forthcoming publication of a new Three-in-One containing the Inspired Version of the Bible, 1908 Book of Mormon, and Book of Doc-trine and Covenants (through Section 144). We plan to have books available by the fall of 2015.
The RLDS Church and the Community of Christ have been the only publishers of the Scriptures as a Three-in-One, but publication stopped several years ago. Many Saints have expressed an interest in again being able to purchase the Three-in-One.

Representatives of the following groups were invited to a meeting on the Three-in-One on August 31, 2012:

Book of Mormon Foundation

Conference of Restoration Elders

Cumorah Books, Inc.

Joint Conference of Restoration Branches

Price Publishing Company

Quetzal Archaeology Center

Remnant Church of Jesus Christ

Restoration Hymn Society, Inc.

Zion Bound, Inc.

(plus a few individuals from Restoration branches and the Community of Christ).

Ten people participated at the initial meeting. Since then, a Scripture Committee has met nearly every other week, with eight or nine people taking part in most meetings. The committee includes Scott Bingman, Charlie Booth (for the Inspired Version and Doctrine and Covenants phases), Tara Broadway, Beryle Immer, Bob Immer, Dee Ludy, Paul Ludy, Aaron Rhoads (for the Book of Mormon phase), Jon Tandy, and Gary Whiting. Several others have met with the committee a few times and given valuable assistance. In addition, many Saints have been involved in reading the text which the committee approved.

Early in the process, the committee confirmed that the text of the Scriptures is in the public domain and available to reprint. The committee agreed on the following:

• The Three-in-One should include the Inspired Version, 1908 Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants through Section 144.

• The Scripture text should be as correct as possible.

• We will include descriptive headings for all sections and chapters.

• For widest acceptance, the Three-in-One should be published independently from any particular "church organization."

The editing process has been quite lengthy because of the various editions and printings of the Scriptures. The committee found that different printings of the Inspired Version have some variations in wording. The same is true of the 1908 Edition of the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. The committee prayerfully compared and evaluated those differences to produce this Three-in-One.
The Restoration Scriptures Three-in-One will contain the familiar

text of the Scriptures in a convenient and easy-to-read format.

We invite you to consider ordering books now for yourself, family members, and friends.



Cumorah Books, Inc., PO Box 2257, Independence, MO 64055 816 210-8450

January, 2015